
Our service is very flexible to fulfill your angling dream in Malaysia. You can customize your trip destination by joining the packages in the same fishing trip. The packages listed below are reference for angler to decide the trip and customizing destination of your trips with minimum number of days and location for booking the trip.

Group A
Air KuningLake
Raban Lake

Group B
Bersia Lake
Air Ganda Lake

Group C
Royal Belum Rainforest

Group D
Nine Island
Jarak Island
Karang Tinggi

Group D
Langkawi Island

Each group is divided by location to make the traveling cost cheaper and saving some time but angler can feel the different place of fishing location and different species of game fish. Angler can customize your fishing trips by combine your fishing destination but ONLY selecting fishing location that already divided by group itself.  Feel free to gather more information by contacting our agent or angler can directly to contact me via